beauty in creating

Fashion, Makeup, Hair, Beauty, Occassional Madness

Archive for the tag “vintageortacky”

Cute Ruffle Skirt, Disney Inspired Makeup

I thought it would be fun to post my makeup and outfit of the day. I love! dressing up and putting on makeup, but some times I feel like it is hard to justify doing it every day. Then I realized that I can just do it because I want to, whatever the reason. Life is short. To me, it’s creative and artistic, just like doing a drawing. This blog should be a fun platform to show it off and try new things. Like my makeup today! I was poking around Youtube, looking at the makeup tuts to see if it was something I could do in the future, and I came across this awesome girl Cora’s makeup channel. She has a TON of awesome makeup tuts, but my favorite EVAR is her Disney Rapunzel inspired tutorial.

Also cool, this was right before I switched my blog over to WordPress, and low and behold, she has a blog on here too – Vintageortacky.I really like her makeup tuts, she is super cute and does really fun makeup styles. Also, she changes her hair all the time. Just like meeeeee! XD

Inspired by Vintageortacky's Rapunzel tutorial.

I used her tutorial to do my makeup today. I used some different colors, and my crown points aren’t as defined as hers but I loooove it! So pretty and different.

I love artistic and expressive makeup. It’s like art for your face!

It was the perfect makeup to match the cute punky little skirt I made yesterday. I made it out of a ankle length maxi skirt, super quick and easy. It took about 45 minutes. I have made a few of these skirts out of junk store finds and it is a fun and easy way to make a unique, one of a kind skirt. I think they are slightly costumey, which is great for me. I want to feel like I *could* be living in a fairy tale. I made a tutorial for how to make a skirt like this here!

See how cute! It is all ruffles in the back, like a modern bustle skirt. Purple leggings,slouchy boots, and my little black biker jacket are the rest of the outfit, because it is COLD as heck in Denver today!!! Typical early spring, it was glorious enough to leave the back door open yesterday, but 30 degrees today.

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