beauty in creating

Fashion, Makeup, Hair, Beauty, Occassional Madness

Blouse Pattern Fail… I’m Gonna Have To Go Vintage

So, since I decided to make all my own clothes from now on, I went through my pattern library to see what all I have to start building a wardrobe with. I have a decent number of dresses, jackets and a few slacks that I like. I can make skirts by adapting dress patterns, which is great because I love skirts. I tend to favor vintage styles from the late 40’s thru the early 60’s, which is fantastic because those silhouettes work well for my figure. I am not really a fan of trashy or tacky commercialized retro styling, for me the appeal lies in the charming and old fashioned detailing and authentic styles, rather than excessive gingham and cherry print everything. Women of the day often made their own clothing and there was much more variety in style than I think many people today realize.

Check out how fabulous she is!

Anywhoo, what I did notice is I am lacking in blouses. Since I am not going to buy any more cheap knits that don’t fit well, I better make myself some to go with my lovely skirt collection I have planned. I did a quick review of the major pattern retailer’s websites to see what they had going on… thinking I could jot down a few styles I like and go pick them up at the local Joanne’s. The have frequent pattern sales where you can pick them up for a few bucks each.

However, much to my dismay, there is a sad lack of cute blouse patterns! For ANY of the companies! I looked at Butterick, McCalls, Simplicity, and Vogue. And I was… underwhelmed. The selection was kinda lame. Vogue has the best… but I kinda hate all the styles! Everything is either a knit or baggy. Except the button up shirts, and I don’t wear those, ever. And this thing.

Sorry, Butterick.

I kinda hate this. B5524... in it's defense, It's only $1.88 on the site.

I guess it wasn’t HORRIBLE, and lots of people would find some of the styles appealing. But I saw nothing for me. I guess I’m gonna go vintage and hit up Ebay for some cute vintage shirt styles like these. Thank god for the internets!

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